Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking

Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
author: Malcolm Gladwell
name: Tyler
average rating: 3.88
book published: 2005
rating: 4
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date added: 2017/01/17
Basically, this book is an exploration into judgment - snap decisions people make that turn out to be right or wrong. How do people assess a situation within a blink of an eye, and make a correct decision? An athlete is a perfect example of making decisions without thinking. How do you perfect this skill? Malcolm Gladwell says through experience and education. The unconscious is a reflection of what we think over time, combined with stimulus from our environment - so, to perfect your judgment, continue to learn. This book offers many examples of people making good and bad decisions quickly, and how we can learn from them. I love Gladwell and recommend this book as well as The Tipping Point by him.

from Tyler's bookshelf: read Click to read more