Friday, February 17, 2017

Mystery of the Ages

Mystery of the Ages
author: Herbert W. Armstrong
name: Tyler
average rating: 3.56
book published: 1985
rating: 3
read at: 2015/06/12
date added: 2017/02/17
An extremely unique perspective, Armstrong challenges many traditional beliefs regarding Christianity. He attempts to reveal the truth of our existence by combining modern (at his time) science with Christianity. He proclaimed a very different message than his peers. Through spiritual enlightenment, Armstrong stated that he found the answers to life itself.

Armstrong founded the Worldwide Church of God in 1933. He proclaimed that in his lifetime, behind world events, loomed a prophecy. Foretold centuries before the event, this prophecy predicated the course of mankind - so he claimed. Armstrong fully believed that in Biblical prophecies the truth was available. The World Wide Church of God believed Armstrong was God's apostle in the 20th century.

from Tyler's bookshelf: read Click to read more

As a Man Thinketh

As a Man Thinketh
author: James Allen
name: Tyler
average rating: 4.31
book published: 1902
rating: 4
read at:
date added: 2017/02/17
Thoughts are powerful. What we dwell our minds on directly affects our actions. We will become what our thoughts are centered around. Reality is molded by the quality of our thoughts; the quality of our life is molded by our reality.

This book is a simple reflection on the theme that we must be vigilant with the direction of our thoughts. They constantly are turning astray from the things we value. To let our minds run free leads often times to poor judgment. Thoughts desperately need direction. Our thoughts are always in peril of jeopardizing our goals. Therefore, we must discipline them.

When thought are organized and utilized, the possibilities are endless. All good judgment flows from the self education of our thoughts. The one thing we know for certain in this life, which must be valid in order for anything else to follow, is that we are here and that we are thinking about being here. Reason and experience. "I think therefore I am". Opportunity is endless to the man or woman who directs their thoughts.

from Tyler's bookshelf: read Click to read more

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Living Water: Powerful Teachings from the International Bestselling Author of The Heavenly Man

Living Water: Powerful Teachings from the International Bestselling Author of The Heavenly Man
author: Brother Yun
name: Tyler
average rating: 4.28
book published: 2008
rating: 3
read at: 2015/09/13
date added: 2017/02/15
Want an inspiring story of perseverance through hardship? A man that has a reason to live that is above and beyond himself.. This man changes the world. Nietzsche stated "He who has a why to live can bear almost any how." Brother Yung's story is that of a man who had a 'Why', and was willing to endure any 'How'. Dedicated to spreading Christianity in a troubled and struggling nation, Brother Yung reached millions of persecuted humans. Great follow-up to 'Heavenly Man'.

from Tyler's bookshelf: read Click to read more

Monday, February 6, 2017

Shoulders of Giants

A wise man once said, “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants”. That man was Isaac Newton. The power of mentors to transform and enlighten your life will never be said enough.  I believe that if Alexander the Great had Aristotle as a mentor, Warren Buffett had Benjamin Graham, music industry legend Quincy Jones had Ray Charles, and many more amazing people such as Clint Eastwood, Mark Zuckerberg, Oprah Winfrey, and Cal Ripken, Jr. all had mentors, then we need them as well.
Arthur Funkhouser is our featured Mentor. 
Arthur Funkhouser is a  Psychotherapist (Jungian) owner from Bern, Canton of Bern, Switzerland. Before being a Psychotherapist, Arthur Funkhouser was a Physicist in Machine language, Pascal computer programming, and visual field research at The Eye Department of the Insel Hospital, Bern, as well as a Physicist at The Institute for Biotechnology, Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich.
For more information on Arthur Funkhouser, go to his LinkedIn
Recommended Books
Memories, Dreams, Reflections  C. G. Jung        51yqjjuqwml-_sx311_bo1204203200_
An eye-opening biography of one of the most influential psychiatrists of the modern age, drawing from his lectures, conversations, and own writings.
In the spring of 1957, when he was eighty-one years old, Carl Gustav Jung undertook the telling of his life story. Memories, Dreams, Reflections is that book, composed of conversations with his colleague and friend Aniela Jaffé, as well as chapters written in his own hand, and other materials. Jung continued to work on the final stages of the manuscript until shortly before his death on June 6, 1961, making this a uniquely comprehensive reflection on a remarkable life.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Why Retire?

What would you do, what job or career, if you could not retire from it?
Timothy Ferriss is a genius. I learned something highly valuable from his book "The 4 Hour Work Week". I picked up three valuable things. 

  • Time is always fleeting; ever moving forward, never back. Time is a currency, and their is a limited supply of money. Why not spend your time doing that which you most care about? Passions are unique to each individual. Why conform to society? Limiting ourselves, we invest too much time into things that are of no importance. For example; what would you do if you only had 48 hours to live? Why not accomplish your three year goals, in 6 months? This idea is simple; the more time you invest actively and passionately pursuing your dreams, the more you will accomplish them. 
  • To me this one is a personal challenge. I want to find a way to have no permanent location for work. Meaning - have no schedule, but that which I define. If one makes a living online, the opportunities to travel and meet phenomenal people are endless. Some companies don't even have physical locations anymore! The point is, I want to meet people.. New, exciting, and passionate individuals who are pursuing their dreams, as much as I want to pursue mine. To do this, I must create an income that will not be limited to a location. This challenge is incredible.
  • People are naturally risk averse. We want to be in control. Although it is a survival instinct in the beginning, the process man takes to have any form of control over his environment,  gives us the capacity to have boundless advancements in technology. Uncertain of the future, but certain of the present, we must spend our time dedicated to that which is important. In history, 1% of the population have always ruled and organized the 99%. The herd philosophy, the easiness and luxury of cultural mediocrity, and our natural programmed coding for social interaction, make it inevitable that the masses will always be the less wise. Aim for glory. Do not settle on being average. That is the lesson.