Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Social Organism: How Social Media Is Growing, Evolving, and Changing Who We Are

The Social Organism: How Social Media Is Growing, Evolving, and Changing Who We Are
author: Oliver Luckett
name: Tyler
average rating: 3.91
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rating: 0
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date added: 2017/01/31
shelves: currently-reading

This book sets the tone for how to view the phenomenon of social media, and more broadly how to view communication itself. Oliver explains how social media is actually a representation of natural life. By understanding organic evolution, and the way organisms interact, we can understand social media.

"A must-read for business leaders and anyone who wants to understand all the implications of a social world."-Bob Iger, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of The Walt Disney Company

from Tyler's bookshelf: currently-reading http://bit.ly/2kdAB5Q