Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness

Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness
author: Richard H. Thaler
name: Tyler
average rating: 3.79
book published: 2008
rating: 0
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date added: 2017/01/31
shelves: currently-reading

Fact: Every decision we make is influenced by outside sources. Some of the sources we can control, others we can not. That's the topic of this book. A Nudge is anything that correlates/causes a decision without coercion. The book is full of insightful stories relating the thesis to every day scenarios. Our automatic system is flawed. Although sometimes it leads to impeccable survival instinct, like knocking a baseball out of the park, and sometimes it leads to terrible decisions, like profiling people.  Thaler is an amazing author. His words resonate clearly, and the lessons inside 'Nudge' are indisputably crucial.

from Tyler's bookshelf: currently-reading http://bit.ly/2jRI7EK